Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Current Events Blog Reminder

Hi everyone

I hope your exam week is going well.

A couple of reminders about Law class.

Firstly, don't forget to post to your current events blog.

The requirements for the blog can be found here


Secondly, be reminded to comment weekly on other blogs as well.

Wishing you successes during exam week

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Kamal vs. Gayle

Negotiating a Damage Award

With the research you have conducted, enter into negotiations with your partner to determine a mutually agreeable settlement.

Be sure to complete the handout that was distributed last day.

It is important that you complete the reflection portion of the handout.  The reflection focuses on teh negotiation process that have undertaken.

Think about what fostered a spirit of compromise and negotiation?  What impeded compromise?

The handouts will be collected on Friday

Key concepts to understand:

  • pecuniary damages 
  • non-pecuniary damages 
  • special damages 
  • compromise
  • negotiation
  • mediation
  • arbitration  

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Civil Law Web Sites

The following two websites will assist you in your understanding of Civil Law as it relates to British Columbia

In this class review each of these websites and summarize the following terms

Justice Education Society

  • Summarize how you can access BC Small claims court
  • What are some alternatives to going to court?
  • How can you represent yourself in civil court

Courts of BC

  • Describe how each level of court deals with civil matters.
  • Explain the burden of proof in civil law.  How does this differ in criminal law>
  • Explain "the balance of probabilities"

Answer questions 1-6 pg. 357 in your textbook 

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Required Reading

In class work:

Read Chapter 13
Answer # 1-9 pg 346, #1-4 pg 350, #1-6 pg 357

Our Test is next class

Themes to consider:
  • Canada's Legal Heritage/Historical Roots
    • Common Law 
    • British & other influences 
  • Rule of Law
  • Sources of Law & how each the sources "interact" with each other 
  • Categories of Law
    • Public & Private 
    • International 
  • Charter of Rights & Freedoms
    • Fundamental Freedoms
    • Supremacy of Parliament 
    • Case Studies 
    • Limitations to our Rights 
    • Notwithstanding Clause 
  • Human Rights
    • Jurisdiction
    • Key terms 
      • harassment
      • duty to accommodate
      • undue hardship 
      • Remedies 
      • discrimination   

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Law 12 Current Event Blog

Current events are an integral part of this course. Making "real world" connections to the concepts discussed and learned in class will help you make the learning more meaningful for you.

Students will be asked to create a Law 12 current event blog. The current events must be related to course themes in Law 12 and mainly focused in Canadian affairs (but not entirely).

Current Event Blog Assignment: 

1. Create a Blog 

Create a blog using whatever platform you choose (e.g. Blogger, Wordpress, Glogster, Tumblr, etc)

When you set up your blog please consider the following:

· Protect your privacy - this is a public place (what are you comfortable posting?)

· You are writing for a large audience

· You may want to use this project to launch a “learning portfolio”.

Once you have set up you your blog add the link to the google doc here. Law 12 Current Events Blogs   This will be posted on the class blog for all to see and comment

2. When and How often should do I post? (20) 

One (1) posts every two weeks starting the week of November 19th, 2012

3. What should I include in my blog? (50) 

  • Summary- no more than a paragraph- a brief review and be in your OWN words 

  • Analysis- Explain how the article relates to the Law 12. This should be analytical and make connections to our class, community, province, nation or your life. Include a personal opinion about the article. 
  • Visual/Video - One visual representation is required with each post such as a political cartoon, image, or embedded video clip related to your current event topic. 
  • Citation- Please places the link to the article in the post. 
4. Commenting on other blogs (30) 

You will be required to comment on a least 1 blog per week. You will be required to log your comments and provide evidence of your comments to the teacher a various intervals throughout the year.

5. Discussion

Be prepared to discuss your posts and or your comments in class.

Total Value 100

Some sample news sites

Globe and Mail www.globeandmail.com

Vancouver Sun www.vancouversun.com

The Province www.theprovince.com

Global BC www.globaltvbc.com

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Test November 13

Themes to consider:

  • Canada's Legal Heritage/Historical Roots
    • Common Law 
    • British & other influences 
  • Rule of Law
  • Sources of Law
  • Categories of Law
    • Public & Private 
    • International 
  • Charter of Rights & Freedoms
    • Fundamental Freedoms
    • Supremacy of Parliament 
    • Case Studies 
    • Limitations to our Rights 
    • Notwithstanding Clause 
  • Human Rights
    • Jurisdiction  

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Mr. B is Away!

Hello Students!

Sorry for any confusion today while I was away.  I forgot to give Mr. D  a heads up about class.

It sounds like things did eventually get organized  - thanks to Mr. D for stepping up!

For next class, I will have a package of case studies related to the Charter of Rights and Freedoms for you to complete.

Please pick  a partner, read the cases and answer the questions attached to each case.

We we will review your responses as a class next week.

Also be reminded that we have a test on the first unit of study on November 2nd.  See the previous post for a summary of topics

Hope all is well - see you next week!

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Legal & Equality Rights

Add you group information to the following Google Doc

Legal & Equality Rights

Upcoming Test

Our unit test will be on November 2nd 

Themes to consider:

  • Canada's Legal Heritage/Historical Roots
    • Common Law 
    • British & other influences 
  • Rule of Law
  • Sources of Law
  • Categories of Law
    • Public & Private 
    • International 
  • Charter of Rights & Freedoms
    • Fundamental Freedoms
    • Supremacy of Parliament 
    • Case Studies 
    • Limitations to our Rights 
    • Notwithstanding Clause 
  • Human Rights
    • Jurisdiction  

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Notwithstanding Clause

Is the Notwithstanding Clause good for Canada?

Write a paragraph response to this question.  Support your answer with at least 3 supporting examples!

The Charter & Equality Rights Discussed

Some opinions on The Charter


Equality Rights

Choose one article

Give a short summary to a learning partner

Answer these questions as you summarize:

Who is involved , What is the main argument, When (give the time frame), Why is this important or not , How does this impact you?  Do you agree or disagree

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Intro to Rights & Responsibilities

Read and Answer the following questions:

  1. Read pg. 82 & Answer #1 & 2 
  2. Answer questions #1-4 pg. 83
  3. Read pg. 87 "Teen to appeal transfusion" Answer #1-3
This work should be completed  in class.  I will check it at the start of next class

Monday, September 24, 2012

Current Events

Read the following CBC story and related links:



1. Summarize the issue explained in the story
2. Who is involved? Name all the "parties involved.  What is each side seeking?
3. Why is this an important issue?
4. What is your opinion on this issue.  Support your opinion with some facts.

Friday, September 14, 2012

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Survivor Island Scenario

You and 4 members of your group have survived a plane crash.  You are on a remote island in the Caribbean.

You have the following items:
70 bottles of water (500ml each)
first aid kit
2 blankets
box of matches
5 chocolate bars
24 bags of snack size peanuts
2 plates, 3 cups, 1 pot, 4 knives, 2 forks

Tour Task
The rescue could take several weeks.  You must survive

1. Decide upon rules that will ensure your survival and increase your chance of rescue.

2. Draft a Code of Rules that will be used to govern your "society"

Things to consider:

Who will be in charge?  How will leaders be chosen?  Will you have a leader?

How will you ensure that members follow the rules?

How will rules be enforced?

Who will enforce the punishments?

Will your rules follow "laws" known to you?  What will be the implcations if you don't follow "laws" once you are rescued?

Refection Questions:

What was the most difficult part of this exercise?

How does this relate to the concepts of the Rule of Law?

What was your biggest learning moment

Friday, August 31, 2012



Attendance is mandatory.  If a class is missed, it is up to you to find out what was missed and complete the work.  You can contact me at the school if you are away.

Notes are required for all absences.  If you are away for a test, a parent must phone me the day of the test acknowledging the fact that you have a test, and explaining why you are away.  If you miss a test, and a parent called to excuse you, you may receive Omit or be given a chance to rewrite the test.

Do not be late for class.


 It is expected that all homework and assignments are completed and submitted on the due date.   

Course Evaluation

Homework & Assignments         65% 
Tests & Quizzes                        35% 

I am looking forward to a great year.  Enjoy the class and have some fun!