Current events are an integral part of this course. Making "real world" connections to the concepts discussed and learned in class will help you make the learning more meaningful for you.
Students will be asked to create a Law 12 current event blog. The current events must be related to course themes in Law 12 and mainly focused in Canadian affairs (but not entirely).
Current Event Blog Assignment:
1. Create a Blog
Create a blog using whatever platform you choose (e.g. Blogger, Wordpress, Glogster, Tumblr, etc)
When you set up your blog please consider the following:
· Protect your privacy - this is a public place (what are you comfortable posting?)
· You are writing for a large audience
· You may want to use this project to launch a “learning portfolio”.
Once you have set up you your blog add the link to the google doc here.
Law 12 Current Events Blogs This will be posted on the class blog for all to see and comment
2. When and How often should do I post? (20)
One (1) posts every two weeks starting the week of November 19th, 2012
3. What should I include in my blog? (50)
- Summary- no more than a paragraph- a brief review and be in your OWN words
- Analysis- Explain how the article relates to the Law 12. This should be analytical and make connections to our class, community, province, nation or your life. Include a personal opinion about the article.
- Visual/Video - One visual representation is required with each post such as a political cartoon, image, or embedded video clip related to your current event topic.
- Citation- Please places the link to the article in the post.
4. Commenting on other blogs (30)
You will be required to comment on a least 1 blog per week. You will be required to log your comments and provide evidence of your comments to the teacher a various intervals throughout the year.
5. Discussion
Be prepared to discuss your posts and or your comments in class.
Total Value 100
Some sample news sites